
原 著 論 文

1) 森谷敏夫, 石田浩司, 田口貞善: ストレッチングによる筋痛の電気生理学的解明. デサントスポーツ科学, 8: 212-220, 1986

2) 柴真理子, 伊藤一生, 石田浩司, 徳家雅子: ダンスのレッスン時に着用するダンスウェアがボディコンポジションに及ぼす影響. デサントスポーツ科学, 8: 308-317, 1986

3) 森谷敏夫, 室増男, 石田浩司, 田口貞善: 筋パワートレーニング効果の電気生理学的研究. スポーツ医・科学, 1: 23-32, 1987

4)* 国井修一, 蛭田秀一, 石田浩司, 宮村實晴: 夏期と冬期における炭酸ガス−換気量応答曲線の比較. Ann Physiol Anthropol, 7: 159-165, 1988

5)* Ishida, K., Hiruta, S. and Miyamura, M.: Effects of CO2 inhalation prior to maximal exercise on physical performance. Jpn J Physiol, 38: 929-933, 1988

6)* Miyamura, M., Hiruta, S., Sakurai, S., Ishida, K. and Saito, M.: Effects of prolonged physical training on ventilatory response to hypercapnia. Tohoku J Exp Med, 156: 125-135, 1988

7) 石田浩司, 宮村實晴, 矢部京之助: 短時間の低酸素吸入が誘発張力およびH反射に及ぼす影響. 総合保健体育科学, 12: 57-64, 1989

8) 蜂谷鉄心, 石田浩司, 宮村實晴: 脳性まひによる重度心身障害児の歩行訓練について(第1報). 総合保健体育科学, 12: 93-102, 1989

9)* 宮村實晴, 石田浩司, 蛭田秀一, 杢子耕一, 大桑哲男, 金尾洋治: 最大運動直前の炭酸ガス吸入が血中乳酸および身体パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響. Ann Physiol Anthropol, 8: 71-77, 1989

10) 松井秀治, 桜井伸二, 池上康男, 岡本敦, 石田浩司, 横坂貴, 小林寛道: やり投げの三次元的映像分析. スポーツ医・科学, 3: 41-46, 1989

11) 宮村實晴, 石田浩司, 杢子耕一, 生田善一, 柘植美智子, 山北由理, 太田和宏, 斎藤明: 人工透析患者の運動処方に関する研究−第3報−. 体育科学, 17: 163-172, 1989

12) 蜂屋鉄心, 石田浩司, 宮村實晴: 脳性まひによる重度心身障害児の歩行訓練について(第2報). 総合保健体育科学, 13: 11-18, 1990

13) 石田浩司, 宮村實晴, 矢部京之助: 短時間の低酸素吸入が随意的筋力発揮能力に及ぼす影響. 総合保健体育科学, 13: 37-45, 1990

14)* Ishida, K., Moritani, T. and Itoh, K.: Changes in voluntary and electrically induced contractions during strength training and detraining. Eur J Appl Physiol, 60: 244-248, 1990

15)* Itoh, K., Moritani, T., Ishida, K., Hirofuji, C., Taguchi, S. and Itoh, M.: Hypoxia-induced fibre type transformation in rat hindlimb muscles. Eur J Appl Physiol, 60: 331-336, 1990

16)* Miyamura, M. and Ishida, K.: Adaptive changes in hypercapnic ventilatory response during training and detraining. Eur J Appl Physiol, 60: 353-359, 1990

17)* Miyamura, M., Xi, L., Ishida, K., Schena, F. and Cerretelli, P.: Effects of acute hypoxia on ventilatory response at the onset of submaximal exercise. Jpn J Physiol, 40: 417-422, 1990

18)* Hiruta, S., Ishida, K. and Miyamura, M.: Seasonal Variations of ventilatory response to hypercapnia at rest. Jpn J Physiol, 40: 753-757, 1990

19) 蛭田秀一, 石田浩司, 宮村實晴: 炭酸ガス−換気応答の季節変動. 総合保健体育科学, 14: 75-82, 1991

20)* Yasuda, Y., Ishida, K. and Miyamura, M.: Effects of blood gas, pH, lactate, potassium on the oxygen uptake time course during constant-load bicycle exercise. Jpn J Physiol, 42: 223-237, 1992

21) 石田浩司, 高石鉄雄, 宮村實晴: 筋疲労回復にはどのような方法が最も効果的か? デサントスポーツ科学, 13: 176-184, 1992

22)* Miyamura, M., Ishida, K. and Yasuda, Y.: Ventilatory response to the onset of passive and active exercise in human subjects. Jpn J Physiol, 42: 607-615, 1992

23)* Miyamura, M., Ishida, K., Kobayashi, T., Ohkuwa, T. and Itoh, H.: Effects of acute hypoxia on ventilatory response at the onset of cycle exercise in man. Jpn J Physiol, 42: 823-829, 1992

24)* Ishida, K., Yasuda, Y. and Miyamura, M.: Cardiorespiratory response at the onset of passive leg movements during sleep in humans. Eur J Appl Physiol, 66: 507-513, 1993

25) 高石鉄雄, 石田浩司, 小野隆: 水中歩行は運動処方に有効か? デサントスポーツ科学, 15: 252-260, 1994

26)* Miyamura, M., Ishida, K., Ohkuwa, T. and Itoh, H.: Relationship between maximal pulmonary ventilation during exhaustive exercise and postexercise plasma potassium concentration in man. Jpn J Physiol, 44: 117-122, 1994

27)* Ishida, K., Takaishi, T. and Miyamura, M.: Ventilatory responses at the onset of passive movement and voluntary exercise with arms and legs. Acta Physiol Scand, 151: 343-352, 1994

28) 油座信男, 石田浩司, 蛭田秀一, 宮村實晴: トレーニング中止が前腕血流量および筋持久力に及ぼす影響−交叉性トレーニング効果との関係−. 総合保健体育科学, 18: 59-73, 1995

29) 斉藤満, 石田浩司, 間野忠明: 筋収縮時の筋交感神経活動と筋放電活動の特徴. 名古屋大学環境医学研究所年報, 46: 230-234, 1995

30) 山本裕二, 竹之内隆志, 石田浩司, 押田芳治, 近藤孝晴, 中島豊雄, 宮村實晴: 「生涯健康とスポーツ」の実技に関するアンケート調査. 総合保健体育科学, 19: 71-84, 1996

31)* Miyamura, M., Ishida, K., Hashimoto, I. and Yuza, N.: Ventilatory response at the onset of voluntary exercise and passive movement in endurance runners. Eur J Appl Physiol, 76: 221-229, 1997

32)* Ishida, K., Hayashi, T., Moritani, T. and Miyamura, M.: Effects of combined β-adrenergic and cholinergic blockade on the initial ventilatory response to exercise in humans. Eur J Appl Physiol, 76: 230-235, 1997

33)* Miyamura, M., Ishida, K., Itoh, H. and Ohkuwa, T.: Relationship between maximal pulmonary ventilation and arterialized venous blood potassium and dopamine concentrations obtained at exhaustion in man. Jpn J Physiol, 48: 17-23, 1998

34) 高石鉄雄, 小野隆, 伊藤智式, 柴田真志, 蛭田秀一, 石田浩司, 池上康男, 山本薫, 山口榮三: 浅水位における水中歩行が高齢者の脚筋力に及ぼす影響. 名古屋YMCA総合研究所紀要, 1: 23-36, 1998

35)* Katayama, K., Sato, Y., Ishida, K., Mori, S. and Miyamura, M.: The effects of intermittent exposure to hypoxia during endurance exercise training on the ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia in humans. Eur J Appl Physiol, 78: 189-194, 1998

36) 片山敬章, 佐藤靖丈, 諸留克史, 島典広, 石田浩司, 森滋夫, 宮村實晴: 間欠的低酸素トレーニングが身体パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響. デサントスポーツ科学, 20: 78-86, 1999

37)* Katayama, K., Sato, Y., Morotome, Y., Shima, N., Ishida, K., Mori, S. and Miyamura, M.: Ventilatory chemosensitive adaptations to intermittent hypoxic exposure with endurance training and detraining. J Appl Physiol, 86: 1805-1811, 1999

38)* Katayama, K., Sato, Y., Morotome, Y., Shima, N., Ishida, K., Mori S. and Miyamura, M.: Cardiovascular response to hypoxia after endurance training at altitude and sea level and after detraining. J Appl Physiol, 88: 1221-1227, 2000

39)* Yuza, N., Ishida, K. and Miyamura, M.: Cross transfer effects of muscular endurance during training and detraining. J Sports Med Physic Fit, 40: 110-117, 2000

40)* Ishida, K., Sato, Y., Katayama, K. and Miyamura, M.: Initial ventilatory and circulatory responses to dynamic exercise are slowed in the elderly. J Appl Physiol, 89: 1771-1777, 2000

41)* Sato, Y., Katayama, K., Ishida, K. and Miyamura, M.: Ventilatory and circulatory responses at the onset of voluntary exercise and passive movement in children. Eur J Appl Physiol, 83: 516-523, 2000

42) 片山敬章, 佐藤靖丈, 諸留克史, 島典広, 森滋夫, 石田浩司, 宮村實晴: 間欠的低酸素暴露による換気感受性への影響とその個人差について. 小野スポーツ科学, 8: 1-13, 2000

43)* Miyamura, M., Ishida, K., Katayama, K., Sato, Y. and Shima, N.: Ventilatory and circulatory responses at the onset of rapid changes in posture. Adv Exp Med Biol, 499: 357-362, 2001

44) 片山敬章, 佐藤靖丈, 島典広, 諸留克史, 邱金昌, 森滋夫, 石田浩司, 宮村實晴: 間欠的低酸素暴露が呼吸の化学感受性に及ぼす影響. J Exerc Sci, 11: 38-41, 2001

45)* Katayama, K., Ishida, K., Sato, Y., Morotome, Y., Shima, N., Mori, S. and Miyamura, M.: Intermittent hypoxia increases ventilation and SaO2 during hypoxic exercise and hypoxic chemosensitivity. J Appl Physiol, 90: 1431-1440, 2001

46)* Katayama, K., Shima, N., Sato, Y., Qiu, J.C., Ishida, K., Mori, S. and Miyamura, M.: Effect of intermittent hypoxia on cardiovascular adaptations and response to progressive hypoxia in humans. High Alt Med Biol, 2: 501-508, 2001

47) 松尾宏, 片山敬章, 荒深裕規, 十都和也, 伊藤智式, 石田浩司, 渡邊俊彦, 宮村實晴: 呼気窒素ガスからみた中高齢者の体力. 総合保健体育科学, 25: 65-71, 2002

48)* Shima, N., Ishida, K., Katayama, K., Morotome, Y., Sato, Y. and Miyamura, M.: Cross education of muscular strength during unilateral resistance training and detraining. Eur J Appl Physiol, 86: 287-294, 2002

49)* Katayama, K., Sato, Y., Shima, N., Qiu, J.C., Ishida, K., Mori, S. and Miyamura, M.: Enhanced chemosensitivity after intermittent hypoxic exposure does not affect exercise ventilation at sea level. Eur J Appl Physiol, 87: 187-191, 2002

50)* Miyamura, M., Nishimura, K., Ishida, K., Katayama, K., Shimaoka, M. and Hiruta, S.: Is man able to breathe once a minute for an hour? The effect of Yoga respiration on blood gases. Jpn J Physiol, 52: 313-316, 2002

51)* Takaishi, T., Ishida, K., Katayama, K., Yamazaki, K., Yamamoto T. and Moritani, T.: Effect of cycling experience and pedal cadence on the near-infrared spectroscopy parameters. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 34: 2062-2071, 2002

52) 片山敬章, 松尾宏, 石田浩司, 森滋夫, 宮村實晴: 短期間の間欠的低酸素暴露が持久的鍛練者の呼吸循環系に及ぼす影響. デサントスポーツ科学, 24: 122-131, 2003

53)* Miyamura, M., Ishida, K., Katayama, K., Sato, Y., Morotome, Y., Shima, N., and Sato K.: Cardiorespiratory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia at rest in vocalists. Jpn J Physiol, 53: 17-24, 2003

54)* Katayama, K., Matsuo, H., Ishida, K., Mori, S. and Miyamura, M.: Intermittent hypoxia improvements endurance performance and submaximal exercise efficiency. High Alt Med Biol, 3: 291-304, 2003

55)* Matsuo, H., Katayama, K., Ishida, K., Muramatsu, T. and Miyamura, M.: Effect of menstrual cycle and gender on ventilatory and heart rate responses at the onset of exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol, 90: 100-108, 2003

56)* Ono, T., Yasuda, Y., Ito, T., Barros, A.K., Ishida, K., Miyamura, M., Yoshizawa, M. and Yambe, T.: Validity of the adaptive filter for accurate measurement of cardiac output in impedance cardiography. Tohoku J Exper Med, 202: 181-191, 2004

57)* Katayama, K., Sato, K., Akima, H., Ishida, K., Yanagiya, T., Kanehisa, H., Fukuoka, H., Fukunaga, T. and Miyamura, M.: Ventilatory and cardiovascular responses to hypercapnia after 20 days head-down bed rest. Aviat Space Environ Med, 75: 312-316, 2004

58)* Katayama, K., Sato, K., Matsuo, H., Ishida, K., Iwasaki, K. and Miyamura, M.: Effects of intermittent hypoxia on oxygen uptake during submaximal exercise in endurance athlets. Eur J Appl Physiol, 92: 75-83, 2004

59)* Sato, K., Matsuo, H., Katayama, K., Ishida, K., Honda, Y., Katsumata, K. and Miyamura, M.: Ventilatory and circulatory responses at the onset of voluntary exercise and passive movement in sprinters. Eur J Appl Physiol, 92: 196-203, 2004

60)* Katayama, K., Sato, K., Matsuo, H., Ishida, K., Mori, S. and Miyamura, M.: Effects of intermittent hypoxic training and detraining on ventilatory chemosensitive adaptations in endurance athletes. Adv Exp Med Biol, 551: 299-304, 2004

61)* Katayama, K., Sato K., Akima, H., Ishida, K., Takada, H., Watanabe, Y., Iwase, M., Miyamura, M. and Iwase, S.: Acceleration with exercise during head-down bed rest preserves upright exercise responses. Aviat Space Environ Med, 75: 1029-1035, 2004

62)* Miyamura, M., Ishida, K., Katayama, K., Shima, N., Matsuo, H. and Sato, K.: Ventilatory and heart rate responses at the onset of chair rotation in man. Jpn J Physiol, 54: 499-503, 2004

63)* Iwase, S., Takada, H., Watanabe, Y., Ishida, K., Akima, H., Katayama, K., Iwase, M., Hirayanagi, K., Shiozawa, T., Hamaoka, T., Masuo, Y. and Custaud, M. A.: Effect of cetrifuge-induced artificial gracity and ergometric exercise on cardiovascular deconditioning, myatrophy, and osteoporosis induced by a-6 degree head-down bed rest. J Gravit Physiol, 11: 243-244, 2004

64) 宮村實晴, 石田浩司, 片山敬章, 島典広, 松尾宏, 佐藤耕平: Cardiorespiratory responses at the onset of chair rotation in the open-and closed-eye conditions. 東海学園大学研究紀要, 10: 45-56, 2005

65)* Katayama, K., Sato, K., Matsuo, H., Hotta, N., Sun, Z., Ishida, K., Iwasaki, K. and Miyamura, M.: Changes in ventilatory responses to hypercapnia and hypoxia after intermittent hypoxia in humans. Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 146: 55-65, 2005

66)* Katayama, K., Fujita, H., Sato, K., Ishida, K., Iwasaki, K. and Miyamura, M.: Effect of a repeated series of intermittent hypoxic exposures on ventilatory response in humans. High Alt Med Biol, 6: 50-59, 2005

67)* Sato, K., Katayama, K., Katayama, N., Hotta, N., Ishida, K. and Miyamura, M.: Vestibulo-cardiorespiratpry responses at the onset of chair rotation in endurance runners. Jpn J Physiol, 55: 11-18, 2005

68) 堀田典生, 片山敬章, 佐藤耕平, 孫志虎, 山本親, 中塚正博, 石田浩司: 酸素充填水摂取は運動時の呼吸・循環応答に影響を及ぼすか?. 総合保健体育科学, 28: 23-28, 2005

69)* Akima, H., Katayama, K., Sato K., Ishida, K., Masuda, K., Takada, H., Watanabe, Y. and Iwase, S.: Intensive cycle training with artificial gravity maintains muscle size during bed rest. Aviat Space Environ Med, 76: 923-929, 2005

70)* 後藤玲子, 工藤博章, 佐藤耕平, 堀田典生, 石田浩司, 大西昇: 自己運動感覚を誘導する視覚刺激に対する生体反応の分析. 映像情報メディア学会誌, 60: 589-596, 2006

71)* Hotta, N., Sato, K., Sun, Z., Katayama, K., Akima, H., Kondo, T., and Ishida, K.: Ventilatory and circulatory responses at the onset of exercise after eccentric exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol 97: 598-606, 2006

72)* Hotta, N., Sato, K., Katayama, K., Koga, S., Masuda, K., Miyachi, M., Akima, H. and Ishida, K.: Oxygen uptake kinetics following 20 days of unilateral lower limb suspension. J Physiol Sci, 56, 347-353, 2006

73)* 堀田典生, 佐藤耕平, 片山敬章, 秋間広, 石田浩司: 片脚サスペンジョンが運動開始直後の呼吸・循環応答に及ぼす影響.東海保健体育科学.28:21-27, 2006

74) Miyamura, M., Sato, K., Hashimoto, I., Yuza, N., Matsuo, H., Ishida, K., and Katayama, K.: Ventilatory and heart rate responses at the onset of passive movement in eudurance- and sprint runners. 東海学園大学研究紀要, 11: 3-16, 2007

75)* Katayama, K., Sato, K., Hotta, N., Ishida, K., Iwasaki, K. and Miyamura, M.: Intermittent hypoxia does not increase exercise ventilation at simulated moderate altitude. Int J Sports Med, 28: 480-487, 2007

76)* Hotta, N., Yamamoto, K., Sato, K., Katayama, K., Fukuoka, Y., and Ishida, K.: Ventilatory and circulatory responses at the onset of dominant and non-dominant limb exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol, 101, 347-358, 2007

77)* Hotta, N., Yamamoto, K., Katayama, K., Fukuoka, Y., and Ishida, K.: The effect of the amount of eccentric exercise on ventilatory response at the onset of exercise. J Physiol Sci, 57, 193-197, 2007

78)* Hotta, N., Yamamoto, K., Katayama, K. and Ishida, K.: The respiratory response to passive and active arm movements is enhanced in delayed onset muscle soreness. Eur J Appl Physiol, 105: 483-491, 2009

79)* Katayama,K., Ishida, K., Iwasaki, K. and Miyamura, M.: Effect of two durations of short-term intermittent hypoxia on ventilatory chemosensitivity in humans. Eur J Appl Physiol, 105: 815-821, 2009

80)* 梶大介, 長谷和徳, 井上剛志, 石田浩司, 大日方五郎: 機械的振動が血液循環に与える影響.日本機械学会論文集.75:248-249, 2009

81)* Hotta, N., Yamamoto, K. and Ishida, K.: The effect of external cuff pressure on initial exercise hyperpnea. J Physiol Anthropol, 28: 91-95, 2009

82)* Furuichi, Y., Masuda, K., Takakura, H., Hotta, N., Ishida, K., Katayama, K. and Akima, H.: Effect of intensive interval training during unloading on muscle deoxygenation kinetics. Int J Sports Med, 30: 563-568, 2009

83)* Akima, H., Hotta, N., Sato, K., Ishida, K., Koike, T. and Katayama, K.: Cycle ergometer exercise to counteract muscle atrophy during unilateral lower limb suspension. Aviat Space Environ Med, 80: 652-656, 2009

84)* Watanabe, K., Katayama, K., Ishida, K. and Akima, H.: Electromyographic analysis of hip adductor muscles during incremental fatiguing pedaling exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol, 106: 815-825, 2009

85) 片山敬章,石田浩司,斉藤満: 短期間の間欠的低酸素暴露が持久的鍛練者の呼吸循環応答に及ぼす影響.デサントスポーツ科学,30:15-23,2009

86)* Sakuma, K., Watanabe, K., Hotta, N., Koike, T., Ishida, K., Katayama, K. and Akima, H.: The adaptive responses in several mediators linked with hypertrophy and atrophy of skeletal muscle after lower limb unloading in humans. Acta Physiol., 197: 151-159, 2009

87)* 堀田典生,山本薫,前野信久,石田浩司: 伸長性収縮運動後における筋機能と筋の状態や形態との関係.東海保健体育科学,31:41-48,2009

88) 石田浩司,西田保,蛭田秀一,片山敬章,山本裕二,石黒洋,小池晃彦,小林洋平: 名古屋大学における「健康・スポーツ科学実習」授業に関する学生の意識調査−実習を選択しない学生の観点から−.総合保健体育科学,33: 49-63, 2010

89) 堀田典生,山本薫,石田浩司: 筋機械痛覚過敏が安静時心拍変動に及ぼす影響.医療福祉研究, 6: 11-17, 2010

90)* Katayama, K., Goto, K., Ishida, K. and Ogita, F.: Substrate utilization during exercise and recovery at moderate altitude. Metabolism 59: 959-966, 2010

91)* Katayama, K., Yoshitake, Y., Watanabe, K., Akima, H. and Ishida, K.: Muscle deoxygenation during sustained and intermittent isometric exercise in hypoxia. Med Sci Sports Exerc 42: 1269-1278, 2010

92) Ishida, K., Katayama, K., Akima, H., Iwase, S., Sato, K, Hotta, N. and Miyamura, M.: Effects of deconditioning on the initial ventilatory and circulatory responses at the onset of exercise in man. Adv Exp Med Biol, 669: 319-322, 2010

93)* Sato, K., Katayama, K., Hotta, N., Ishida, K. and Akima, H.: Aerobic exercise capacity and muscle volume after lower limb suspension with exercise countermeasure. Aviat Space Environ Med, 81: 1085-1091, 2010

94)* Hotta, N., Ishida, K., Sato, K., Katayama, K. and Akima, H.: The effect of intense interval cycle-training on unloading-induced dysfunction and atrophy in the human calf muscle. J Physiol Anthropol, 30 (1): 29-35, 2011

95)* Katayama, K., Ishida, K., Iwamoto, E., Iemitsu, M., Koike, T. and Saito, M.: Hypoxia augments muscle sympathetic neural response to leg cycling. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 301: R456-R464, 2011

96) 堀田典生,山本薫,前野信久, 石田浩司: 伸張性筋活動量が超音波画像の強度変化に及ぼす影響.健康医療科学研究, 1: 27-34, 2011

97)* Katayama, K., Iwamoto, E., Ishida, K., Koike, T. and Saito, M.: Inspiratory muscle fatigue increases sympathetic vasomotor outflow and blood pressure during submaximal exercise. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 302: R1167-R1175, 2012

98)* Iwamoto, E., Katayama, K., Oshida, Y. and Ishida, K.: Hypoxia Augments Oscillatory Blood Flow in Brachial Artery during Leg Cycling. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 44: 1035-1042, 2012

99) 石田浩司,片山敬章,岩本えりか,堀田典生,杉浦弘通: 胸部圧迫が運動時の呼吸・循環応答,筋酸素動態およびパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響.デサントスポーツ科学,33:33-42,2012

100) 片山敬章,岩本えりか,石田浩司: 低酸素環境における有酸素性運動が血管拡張能に及ぼす影響.第27回健康医科学研究助成論文集,平成22年度:33-42,2012.

101)* Katayama, K., Fujita, O., Iemitsu, M., Kawano, H., Iwamoto, E., Saito, M. and Ishida, K.: The effect of acute exercise in hypoxia on flow-mediated vasodilation. Eur J Appl Physiol 113: 349-357, 2013.

102)* Katayama, K.,Yamashita, S., Ishida, K., Iwamoto, E., Koike T. and Saito, M.: Hypoxic effects on sympathetic vasomotor outflow and blood pressure during exercise with inspiratory resistance. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 304: R374-R382, 2013.

103)* Iwamoto, E., Katayama, K., Yamashita, S., Oshida, Y. and Ishida, K.: Retrograde blood flow in the inactive limb is enhanced during constant-load leg cycling in hypoxia. Eur J Appl Physiol, 113: 2565-2575, 2013

104)* 永峰康一郎,原亜珠沙,野津真知子,石田浩司,片山敬章,近藤孝晴: 定常負荷運動時の運動種目による呼気中アセトン濃度変動の比較.安定同位体と生体ガス,5:44-51,2013

105)* Nayia Petousi, K., Croft, Q.P.P., Cavalleri, G.L., Cheng,H-Y., Formenti, F., Ishida, K., Lunn, D., McCormack, M., Shianna, K.V., Talbot, N.P., Ratcliffe, P.J. and Robbins, P.A.: Tibetans living at sea level have a hyporesponsive hypoxia-inducible factor system and blunted physiological responses to hypoxia. J Appl Physiol, 116: 893-904, 2014

106)* Katayama, K., Ishida K., Saito M., Koike T., Hirasawa A. and Ogoh S.: Enhanced muscle pump during mild dynamic leg exercise inhibits sympathetic vasomotor outflow. Physiol Rep 2: e12070, 2014.

107)* 峯田大輝,永峰康一郎,石田浩司,片山敬章,近藤孝晴: 定常負荷運動時の呼気中アセトンと血液成分の変動比較.安定同位体と生体ガス,6(1):24-32,2014.

108)* 堀田典生,石田浩司: 4週間の血流制限下自転車トレーニングが筋機能と有酸素性作業能力及び動脈スティフネスに及ぼす影響.スポーツ健康科学研究,36:1-10,2014

109) 齊藤満,山本薫,片山敬章,石田浩司: 高強度運動時の心拍同期性交感神経活動反応の検討.愛知学院大学論叢 心身科学部紀要,10:1-7, 2014.

110)* Katayama, K., Suzuki, Y., Hoshikawa, M., Ohya, T., Oriishi, M., Itoh, Y. and Ishida, K.: Hypoxia exaggerates inspiratory accessory muscle deoxygenation during hyperpnoea. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 211: 1-8, 2015.

111)* Iwamoto, E., Katayama, K., and Ishida, K.: Exercise intensity modulates brachial artery retrograde blood flow and shear rate during leg cycling in hypoxia. Physiol. Rep. 3: e12423, 2015.

112)* Katayama, K., Itoh, Y., Saito, M., Koike, T., and Ishida, K.: Sympathetic vasomotor outflow and blood pressure increase during exercise with expiratory resistance. Physiol. Rep. 3: e12421, 2015.

113)* 峯田大輝,永峰康一郎,石田浩司,片山敬章,近藤孝晴: 食事や時間帯が定常負荷運動時の呼気中アセトンや血液成分に与える影響.安定同位体と生体ガス,7(1):28-36,2015.

114)* Katayama, K., Yamashita, S., Iwamoto, E., and Ishida, K.: Flow-mediated dilation in the inactive limb following acute hypoxic exercise. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging, 36: 60-69, 2016.

115)* Sato, K., Iemitsu, M., Katayama, K., Ishida, K., Kanao, Y. and Saito, M.: Responses of sex steroid hormones to different intensities of exercise in endurance athletes. Exp. Physiol. 101: 168-175, 2016.

116)* Katayama, K., Ishida, K., Saito, M., Koike, T. and Ogoh, S.: Hypoxia attenuates cardiopulmonary reflex control of sympathetic nerve activity during mild dynamic leg exercise. Exp. Physiol. 101: 377-386, 2016.

117)* Itoh, Y., Katayama, K., Iwamoto, E., Goto, K., Suzuki, Y., Ohya, T., Takao, K. and Ishida, K.: Blunted blood pressure response during hyperpnoea in endurance runners. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol., 230: 22-28, 2016.

118)* Hotta, N., Yamamoto, K., Ogata, H., Maher, P., Okumura, N. and Ishida, K.: Does degree of alteration in effort sense caused by eccentric exercise significantly affect initial exercise hyperpnea in humans? J. Physiol. Anthropol., 35: 18, DOI 10.1186/s40101-016-0107-5, 2016.

119)* 永峰康一郎,峯田大輝,石田浩司,片山敬章,近藤孝晴: 種目や強度の違いによる最大下運動時の呼気中アセトンの変動の比較.安定同位体と生体ガス,8(1):32-39,2016.

120) 近藤翔平,安藤良介,片山敬章,石田浩司,秋間広: 自転車エルゴメーターによる高強度インターバル運動と一定負荷運動時の大腿四頭筋の筋活動.総合保健体育科学,40(1):21-27,2017.

121)* Komiyama, T., Katayama, K., Sudo, M., Ishida, K., Higaki, Y. and Ando, S.: Cognitive function during exercise under sever hypoxia. Sci. Rep. 7: 1000, 2017.

122)* Yamauchi, K., Yoshiko, A., Suzuki, S., Kato, C., Akima, H., Kato, T. and Ishida, K.: Muscle atrophy and recovery of individual thigh muscles as measured by magnetic resonance imaging scan during treatment with cast for ankle or foot fracture. J Orthopae Surg. 25(3): DOI: 10.1177/2309499017739765, 2017.

123)* Yamauchi, K., Yoshiko, A., Suzuki, S., Kato, C., Akima, H., Kato, T. and Ishida, K.: Estimation of individual thigh muscle volumes from a single-slice muscle cross-sectional area and muscle thickness using magnetic resonance imaging in patients with knee osteoarthritis. J Orthopae Surg. 25(3): DOI: 10.1177/2309499017743101, 2017

124)* Shimizu, K., Goto, K., Ishida, K., Saito, M., Akima, H. and Katayama, K.: Blood pressure response during normocapnic hyperpnoea is blunted in young women compared to men. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol., 247: 52-56, 2018.

125)* Katayama, K., Smith, J. R., Goto, K., Shimizu, K., Saito, M., Ishida, K., Koike, T., Iwase, S. and Harms, C. A.: Elevated sympathetic vasomotor outflow in response to increased inspiratory muscle activity during exercise is less in young women compared with men. Exp. Physiol. 103: 570-580, 2018.

126)* Yoshiko, A., Yamauchi, K., Kato, T., Ishida, K., Koike, T., Oshida, Y. and Akima, H.: Effects of post-fracture non-weight-bearing immobilization on muscle atrophy, intramuscular and intermuscular adipose tissues in the thigh and calf. Skeletal Radiol. 47: 1541-1549, 2018.

127)* Shastri, L., Alkhalil, M., Forbes, C., EI-Wadi, T., Rafferty, G., Ishida, K. and Formenti, F.: Skeletal muscle oxygenation during cycling at different power output and cadence. Physiol. Rep., 7 (3), e13963, doi: 10.14814/phy2.13963, 2019.

128)* Formenti, F., Dockerill, C., Kankanange, L., Zhang, L., Takaishi, T., and Ishida, K.: The Effect of Pedaling Cadence on Skeletal Muscle Oxygenation During Cycling at Moderate Exercise Intensity. Int J Sports Med, 40 (5),305-311, doi: 10.1055/a-0835-6286, 2019.

129)* Katayama, K., Goto, K., Shimizu, K., Saito, M., Ishida, K., Zhang, L., Shiozawa, K. and Sheel, A.W.: Effect of increased inspiratory muscle work on blood flow to inactive and active limbs durng submaximal dynamic exercise. Exp. Physiol. 104: 180-188, 2019.

130)* Ando, R., Kondo, S., Katayama, K., Ishida, K. and Akima H. Neuromuscular activation of the knee and hip extensor muscles during high-intensity interval and moderate-intesnity constant cycling. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 44: 64-69, 2019.

131)* Maeda, H., Imada, K., Ishida, K. and Akima, H.: Relationship of Quadriceps Muscle Thickness with Motor Paralysis and Muscle Echo Intensity in Post-Stroke Patients. Eur. Neurol. 81(1-2): 56-62, doi: 10.1159/000500415, 2019.

132)* Yoshiko, A., Natsume, Y., Makino, T., Hayashi, T., Umegaki, H., Yoshida, Y., Cheng, X.W., Kuzuya, M., Ishida, K., Koike, T., Oshida, Y. and Akima, H.: Higher and Lower Muscle Echo Intensity in Elderly Individuals Is Distinguished by Muscle Size, Physical Performance and Daily Physical Activity. Ultrasound Med Biol. 45 (9): 2372-2380, doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2019.05.029. 2019.

133)* Katayama, K., Goto, K., Ohya, T., Iwamoto, E., Takao, K., Kasai, N., Suimi, D., Mori, H., Ishida, K., Shimizu, K., Shiozawa, K., and Suzuki, Y. Effects of respiratory muscle endurance training in hypoxia on running performance. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 51(7): 1477-1486, 2019. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001929.

134)* Shimizu, K., Shiozawa, K., Ishida, K., Saito, M., Mizuno, S., Akima, H. and Katayama, K.: Blood pressure and limb blood flow responses during hyperpnoea are not affected by menstrual cycle phase in young women. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 275: 103387. doi:10.1016/j.resp. 2020.103387., 2020.

135)* Ando, S. Komiyama, T., Sudo, M., Higaki, Y., Ishida, K., Costello, J.T., and Katayama, K.: The interactive effects of acute exercise and hypoxia on cognitive performance: a narrative review. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports 30: 384-398, 2020.

136)* Yoshiko, A., Katayama, K., Ishida, K., Ando, R., Koike, T., Oshida, Y., and Akima, H.: Muscle deoxygenation and neuromuscular activation in synergistic muscles during intermittent exercise under hypoxic conditions. Sci. Reports 10: 295, 2020.

137)* Maeda, H., Imada, K., Ishida, K., and Akima, H.: Quadriceps thickness and echo intensity predict gait independence in individuals with sever and mild hemiparetic stroke. Eur. Neurol. 83: 167-173, 2020.

138)* Maeda, H., Saito, M., Ishida, K., and Akima, H.: Relationships between resting blood flow and the indices of muscle damage after eccentric contractions. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 120 (10): 2183-2192, 2020.

139)* Akima, H., Maeda, H., Koike, T., Ishida, K., and Ando, R.: Comparison of fascicle behaviors between superficial and deeper muscles of triceps brachii during isometric contraction. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 54: 102452, doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2020.102452, 2020.

140)* Hori, A., Hasegawa, D., Suijo, K., Nishigaki, K., Ishida, K., and Hotta, N.: Exaggerated pressor response to blood flow restriction resistance exercise is associated with a muscle metaboreflex-induced increase in blood pressure in young, healthy humans. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 46: 182-185, 2021.

141)* Shimizu, K., Shiozawa, K., Ishida, K., Saito, M., Mizuno, S., Akima, H. and Katayama, K.: Age and sex differences in blood pressure responses during hyperpnoea. Exp. Physiol., 106: 736-747, 2021.

142)* Akima, H., Maeda, H., Koike, T., and Ishida, K.: Effect of elbow joint angle on electromyographic activity versus force relkationships of synergistic muscles of the triceps brachii. PLoS One. 0252644, 2021.

143)* Makino, T., Umegaki, H., Ando, M., Cheng, X.W., Ishida, K., Akima, H., Ishida, Y., Uemura, K., Shimada, H., and Kuzuya, M.: Effect of aerobic, resistance, or combined exercise training among older adults with subjective memory complaints: A randomized controlled trial. J. Alzheimers Dis. 82: 701-717, 2021.

